Friday, February 20, 2009

Insider's Guide to Obi's Sleep Positions

Alligator dog - this is when he is resting on his stomach, his full five feet length in a straight position. His long snout and large black nose gives this pose its name.

Crescent dog - here we see him curled slightly in the shape of Pillsbury's finest.

Circle dog - here he's tightly curled, tail to nose, in a circular position.

Carpetbagger Dog - not a pose but a tendency to relocate to where you were sleeping after you get up.

Flat dog* - here he lies on his side (colloquial usage: flatamaran).

Centerfold dog - he's flat on his back, package to the wind.

And some non-sleeping descriptions:

Necktie dog - sits alert his with his neck craned as if wearing a necktie.

Begasaurus Rex - self-explanatory.

The Flying Nun - ears up! (see pictorial here).

Crazy dog - occurs especially after baths, runs wildly to and fro.

Bucking Bronco - occurs during Crazy dog phase; begins to buck.

* - my favorite