Friday, February 20, 2009

Dreams & Dances

Obi rattles his legs against the hardwood floors when he’s dreaming. I think it’s funny that all animals dream. Perhaps it’s a “species prejudice” (they have issues too!) but I figure they have less call for dreaming than humans. My understanding is that dreams help resolve the conflicts of the day, help tie things up for purposes of BMH (“Better Mental Health”). So naturally I’m wondering what my dog is dreaming about. Near as I can tell, he sleeps the whole day so there’s not much to resolve. I wonder if he has repressed memory syndrome concerning a painful early childhood incident of an absentee father or having a squirrel picked before him in some sporting event.


He is never far from us. Those intelligent shepherd eyes never miss a thing we do, especially if it involves the acquisition of food. He’s laying on his side and his back paws are so large they look like a fallen deer’s hind legs tied together after the hunt. He avoids the throw rug and lays on the wood floor as if his body continually stores up heat and requires the cool floor to drowse.


Our dog has some sort of tickle spot on his back such that scratching it results in his doing an Irish jig on the kitchen floor. His paws come with nails which makes it sound like a tap dance. We sing: "doggy-dance, doggy-dance, dog-e-dance!"